Afterwards, diplomats emerged with a united voice saying they opposed and condemned Pyongyang's latest defiance of international law. 在为时不到一小时的闭门磋商之后,各国代表达成一致意见,表示反对并谴责平壤这一无视国际法的行为。
But he told CBS's Early Show that he sees a growing belligerence on the part of North Korea, and a stepped up defiance of international law. 不过,他对哥伦比亚广播公司的“晨间节目”说,他发现北韩变得越来越好战,并越来越无视国际法。
His defiance of the law cost him dearly. 蔑视法律使他付出沉重的代价。
He added that those fighting for the Gaddafi regime were in defiance of international law. 他还称支持卡扎菲政权的人都是在蔑视国际法。
If you continue to act widely in defiance of the law you will be put down. 如果你再继续胡作非为的话,你一定要降职的。
Sometimes, we cannot but feel that those who show defiance of law may become a future trend-setter. 有时不由使人觉得,藐视法令者竟可代表未来的潮流了。
He had been deposed because of his defiance of Roman law. 亚那因为违抗罗马的法律而被罢免;
I know that this is a defiance of the law can not, and I have never wanted to defy. 我知道,这个规律是违抗不得的,我也从来没有想去违抗。
In defiance of the law you drove your car much too fast. 你不顾法律,行车太快了。
But only now is that birth being refused all guardianship, in defiance of international law. 然而到现在,拒绝西方文明的斗争则成了伊拉克的所有保护,无视国际法。
To pursue personal happiness, some people willing to take risks, in defiance of law and morality, only pursue wealth, fame and status. 为了追求个人幸福,一些人不惜铤而走险,无视法律和道德,一味追逐财富、名利和地位。